Kamis, 14 April 2011

The Charming Sounds of Angklung...

Diposting oleh Aozora di 23.24

I don’t know anything about music, neither traditional nor modern. All I know is music is awesome in many ways I can’t explain, including angklung. This musical instrument which comes originally from Indonesia has been played by Sundanese since the ancient times. It made out of bamboo tubes attached to bamboo frame. To produce sounds, angklung performers held the base of the frame by one hand while the other hand shakes the instrument rapidly from side to side. 

The first time I listened to angklung was very memorable time. Hearing both traditional and pop songs can be accompanied by these musical instruments made me feel like I almost let my tears down my cheek... :')

The first great performance I saw in Saung Angklung Udjo, Bandung...

Seeing that angklung is recognized by many people these days makes me proud somehow. More and  more  cultural event has angklung performances. Moreover, almost every school makes angklung as extracurricular activity so that young generations can appreciate their culture. But then, aaaahhh...unfortunately, I missed that time. Angklung was not so popular when I was in high school since I live in small town. So, now I just end up enjoying the sounds of angklung while doing day dreaming that I can play the instrument. T,T

But still, listening to angklung will amaze me every time, especially when the performers play my national anthem...

Angklung and bamboo musical instruments performance in Pasar Seni ITB 2010...

Yes, I love angklung performances anywhere... really proud of it... :)

#Wow, it’s been a very long time I haven’t written something in English...It feels a little bit awkward...really need a lot of practice... :)

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